Just a month ago, the path was swept clean by the wind of thunderstorms. Green leaves still clung tight to their branches and the bench served it's many visitors well. It held the dogs on their leashes as the walkers took a break and rested...reflected...on their dreams - albeit daydreams of a life outside of their livelihoods. Often in the late afternoons, the bench welcomed it's daily visitor...an elderly gentleman who had a special connection to the children of the area...he was an anchor to children who may not have had other adults to count on but they could always count on him. God willing, he will return next May to claim his afternoon vantage point again. Now only the fading ghosts of Summer remain...the voices and laughter...lizards basking in the shafts of sunlight...even the birds of Summer have left for warmer days down south.
Recently, a man I knew was ripped from the fabric of life unexpectedly by way of a freak accident. I didn't know him well...only a passing acquaintance walking past him now and then on paths such as this. One day here...the next...gone. When I saw this bench once the center of so much attention now empty...I was reminded of that gentleman...mid 40's. How fleeting life really is. A poem I once read spoke of each day lived is one less to you have on this earth...I would rather think of it as given to me as one more day on this earth.
I hope you live this weekend to the fullest...taking advantage of each day and thankful for the time we have been given.
Beautiful, Dan. I was drawn like a magnet to both photo and title... Old Simon & Garfunkel fan as I am ;)
And how appropriate: The Word Verification here is "singst". (German: [you] sing)
Here we had the first snowfall on Thursday evening. (If you have a minute, take a peek at my Picture Book post for Friday.) Today we're back to rain, and by now (Saturday evening) the snow is gone again. To which I say Amen, because October is really too early for snow.
Very poignant post Dan. It is important to reflect on what we want out of each day of this life. Lovely photo and thoughts today. Thank you.
A lovely photo and thoughtful post Dan, it is good to reflect on each day, the moments that unfold and stir our memories and be thankful for the time we are given.
xoxoxo ♡
Wonderful post today! Awareness of the cycles of the earth and the passing of each year is so much a part of my being. The fallow nature of the earth that follows the falling leaves. Autumn leads into the resting nature of winter...something so vital to life. Yes, life is fleeting...so much more the reason to truly live each day for we don't know how many days we have. Thank you, Dan, for your inpiring words and photo...
Thanks, beautiful shot, beautiful
Reading your post reminded me of the verse, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven."
It's a beautiful Autumn scene.
Hope you are well :)
☼ Sunny
I also prefer to think of every day as of a gift that was given to us than of something that was taken from us, life would we too sad. A glass should always be half full rather than half empty.
Captures the intensity of the season really well.
beautiful photo,and nice blog; bravo
Wao, this picture is wonderful.. so autumnal.. the colors are great..Afantastic composition.. you have nice pictures here..
As always, a beautiful capture. I especially like your prose. It reminded me of something I read recently (though, of course, I can't remember where) that reminded us we are constantly surrounded by special moments that, once gone, will reveal their magickal qualities. One day, you'll notice the Old Bench Sitter hasn't been around for a while and you'll sit in his spot and think about him. You'll recall how he sat for hours in quiet peace, just enjoying life. It will remind you to do the same; appreciate the leaves that scamper with the wind and the buds that push through the snow come Spring. It will be his magickal gift to you. The key will be to recognize it when it happens.
Dan...I would love to talk to you about using a few of your photographs in an upcoming book...would you drop me an email if you are interested in chatting about this?
Your work has always captivated me.
Stopping by to say 'hi' and hope that all is well.
Oh I love this shot... it's just beautiful! Lovely sentiment, thought and prose.
Every leaf speaks bliss to me,
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
~ Emily Bronte
Fantastic photo and caption. Bravo!
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