I spoke to the gentleman on the plow as his 8 horse team turned to head down the next furrow. He plows 40 acres with his team of Belgians. Even with 8 horsepower, he told me that he must let his horses rest for a brief period after pulling the length of the field before beginning to break the next section.
He told me that this large Amish community has been established in Southern Indiana since the 1700's. His ancestors immigrated here from Canada after they relocated originally from Germany. History has literally stood still for these families aside from the modern necessities such as the rubber tires on the plow. But the traditions of the Amish culture remain in tact and still form the fabric of the patchwork quilt covering the rolling hills of their beloved farms.
DAN!!! Oh, Dan...here you are :) So glad to see you, welcome back, even if it is for a day!!
I love that second shot, and you know, as much hard work and sweat goes into all of what they do....the Amish have always had a special place in my thoughts. To live in purity, hard or not, is really admirable to me.
Good, so good, to hear from you :)
Lovely to have you back dear Dan, I hope you are well?
Thank you these photographs are a nice glimpse into the life of the Amish people.
xoxoxo ♡
Heather is is great to hear from you. It is only fitting that the person that helped me get started blogging was the first to respond when I started up again! Hope all is well and I hope you and your family have a great Summer!
Diane thanks for hanging on for these 6 months while I was out of the loop. I really appreciate you taking the time to take a look at the images and it is great to restart our conversations again.
DAN! So great to see your blog pop up on my blog roll!!! And such a fantastic photo of the horses, of courses!
Hope you continue to pop in occassionally! Are you off for the summer?
Dan, welcome back! ;^) I hope that you have had an opportunity to rest up a bit after finals were over! It's so nice to be able to view your art and reconnect. ;^)
The photographs, of course, look like paintings to me. I love the light. I love the colors. I love the emotion that they evoke. I feel a pull toward a simpler lifestyle such as this. (Although I'm well aware than simpler is NOT easier...but maybe...in some ways, is it?)
Thank you, Dan.
Cynthia...I am so glad finals are over! How did you do this year? I have one more semester of refresher courses then I will try to get a teaching job for a few years.....that is if they will hire and old 62 year old! Thanks for stopping back in and stay in contact.
Dan, how good to see you back on the blog again! I've really missed you and your take on photography. Love the colours and atmosphere in these, and the second is amazing in detail.
Dawn Treader!! I was waiting for you to touch base...I lost track of your new blog. Now that I have your link...I will visit to see what has been going on over there...up there in Sweden! Great to hear from you again. I hope you made through the brutal winter ok.
Your photos are amazing. These effects you apply are fabulous. I like to see your photos. I would like to modify this picture. teach me?
Have a nice day.
First of all thank you so much for stopping by and the kind words! I would love to help in any way I can. If you have specific questions...just send them along.
Shabbygirl....I just noticed that I missed your comment. Sorry about that! Yes I am off for the Summer and enjoying every minute of it. Thanks for hanging in there and popping back after 6 or so months!
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