Monday, January 12, 2009

A slight departure today from my normal narrative of an image. I am putting together a project for my church. They are requesting some type of photo montage as a visual depiction of the concept of Paradise Lost. I am struggling with this one! To the visitors of my blog...can I ask your help with a critique? I won't make a habit of this but I trust your judgment.

Would you change anything...
Does this not convey the concept...
Should I just start over....

I would appreciate any constructive criticism you may have to offer...good or bad. The base photo of the tree and forest is from my homeplace growing up. The rest is montage. Thanks for the help. Tomorrow I will get back to just posting an image!


Country Color Creations said...

Oh this is very pretty. Theresa (fabricfreak43)

Jessica said...

This is very beautiful. Looking through the gate makes it look even more like paradise. Everyone wants in, but they have to find the way.

Dan Felstead said...

Thanks for the comment. I feft a message on your blog the other day but I was having computer problems and I don't think it posted. Your photo on PPP was very engaging. Also your 365 photos over a year is a true challenge...good luck with it!


Dan Felstead said...

Thanks Willie...

I visited your blog and it is very interesting. Great place to find out more about South Africa. Thanks for stopping by and you are welcomed anytime.
