Windmills have long been a staple of farms all across the country. They have provided life sustaining water to families down through the centuries.
This windmill is near my home in Southern Indiana. It stands alone against the storms that roll through this time of year. A symbol of the ingenuity and how the phrase "necessity is the mother of invention" applies to so many leaps forward in our civilization.
The windmill, especially with the backdrop of an ominous wall cloud brings to mind the Kansas Prairies of the Wizard of Oz. I tinted the photo in sepia to add to the vintage look of days gone by.
One of our fellow bloggers, Cynthia, recently stated a blog with her daughter in home decor. On the wall of of one of the rooms photographed was an Oklahoma windmill. That was the inspriration for this image....Thanks Cynthia. Her blog is: Cyndeelyn's.
1348 - Reflections
The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing
This weeks words are:
splinter, steaming, shadows, old, mirror, ...
1 day ago
what a beautiful photo Dan! It looks so lonely standing there but it doesn't realize how important it was and is and how windmills have made a comeback. I have seen some huge ones on the way to upstate NY and they are wonderful. I wish someone could paint a happy face on it or something to make it look happier...LOL!
Awesome picture! There is an ominous feeling as I look at that lone windmill. You're so right about those Wizard of Oz images coming right to mind.
beautiful picture and post.
Oh man. I can almost feel the coming storm. What a great photo! We don't have too many windmills down this way - they say there just isn't enough wind to justify the investment. The company I work for recently bought into a wind project in Iowa, though. Of course, the windmills there probably don't have the same nostalgic quality as the lone one in your photo.
Beautiful, Dan! I think it is that lone, austere quality that makes the appeal of the windmill so magnetic. They are a piece of Americana. Thank you for capturing that in your photo and in your written words. Lyndsey wants me to post better photos of her work. She didn't think anyone could get a very good feel for it with just the photos of photos on the wall. :^) I told her that you were inspired, any way. :^) And the decor blog is
Thank you!
Thank you.
Do you see the giant eye in the clouds to the left of the windmill? Yikes! Or am I just seeing things again? It might be like one of those pictures that went around years ago. You had to look at it just right to see the dolphins leaping through the air.
Great photograph!
This is a lonely photo...just to the right of the windmill off frame is an old shack...probably used as a maintenance shed at one time.
It was an ominous wall cloud but believe it or not...the storm passed without much fanfare...thankfully!
What a powerful picture!
Thanks Knock Knocking...great to have you back on the blog again!
Heather...I take it you are taking about the huge wind machines. Yes they have replaced the old windmills...much more efficient but not as inspiring!
I guess it is because of my interest in photography but whenever I see any kind of photo...I am curious to get a closeup view of it!
I hope you check back...tell me exactly where you see the eye. I looked and couldn't see it but I love it when people see things in my photos that I didn't see.
Is it in the dark clouds to the left or the white clouds directly left?
Dawn Treader....
Greeting to you and Sweden! Thanks for stopping by.
I love the way you captured the wheat/tall grass (not sure what it is up front) and how the wind seems to have swept it to the side. Almost like a person pushing their bangs to the side so that they can gain more clarity. ;)
...and thanks so much for the donation! You're very kind. ;)
Yes I did receive your email and I will get back to you. I do want to put your link up. Thanks for the comment.
That is a great description of the tall grass in the field. A much better description of the wind blown grass than I could have made. You are welcomed on the donation.
The white clouds directly left is the white of the eye, and the dark clouds directly left of that is the eyeball. So funny, I see eyebrow and all!!! The eye pretty much takes up the whole width of the photo. Oh I hope you can see it!
Shabbygirl...Yikes! I see it now...looks like it is frowning and I can see the eyebrow as well. I may send this one to the national enquirer! Just kidding. But I doo see it and now I can't look at it without seeing it. Thanks for pointing it out.
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