The tree lined streets of middle America have been the subject of so many short stories, movies and TV shows over the years...
With so many lives...families...filling the homes...the culture is rich with engaging stories of births, deaths, marriages, weddings, politics and a multitude of other life stories played out on these shaded walkways. When I was very young...air conditioning was not as prevalent as today. I remember walking down these streets at night heading home after mom called us in...walking home...each house with their windows open in the Summer was like a novel. I heard Walter Cronkite's re assuring voice on the evening I passed, the sound faded to the next house with an argument of some type only overridden by the next houses radio playing the Beach Boys. Each house like a universe all it's own...opening it's heart to any one who would listen. No shut tight, doors barred, yards with "Protected by ADT" signs...
Those tree lined streets no longer lend themselves to the writer...that source has regretfully dried up.
1349 - The Companion
The Sunday Whirl presents twelve words for us to use in a creative writing
This weeks words are:
ruinous, cards, glass, alluring, spin, di...
16 hours ago
What a lovely shot! Love the golden colors. I watched all your photos and they are awesome. I love photography and there is certainly some inspirational work here. Will definitely inspire me for my next shoot.
Thanks you so much for visiting and following the blog. Stop back by anytime. I am glad that some of the photos may have inspired you for a theme to shoot.
I appreciate it.
You're welcome. I just noticed you have another blog with all sorts of goodies. "Following" that now too :)
Mersad...Great! The other blog is a "Themed" blog. Heather, the administrator gives us a Theme for the week. It is fun...try it if you like. Leave a message at the other blog for Simply Heather and she will contact you.
You paint wonderful memories with your words.
Thanks for stopping by my blog and your comments.
Should you ever visit New England, it is getting close to the best time, when the leaves start to change around the end of September. I'm looking forward to getting some pictures.
The Wheaten is similar, smaller I think. I have had people ask me if Lucy is a Wheaten.
Enjoy your evening. Oh I almost forgot...I love the picture of the house, very welcoming.
Sunny :) all are about a full 3 weeks ahead of us in the Midwest with the turning of the leaves. Our peak is usually around the 3rd week in October. I do look forward to that of the most beautiful of the last display of nature before the whites and grays of Winter sets in.
This is so true, Dan. At least houses like this are beautiful to look at.
Cynthia...good to hear from you. How is school going? Hopefully all is well.
Dan, I was just visiting when I received your email :) - I have replied and now am back to read this post.
All that I can say true. This is a nicely done and all.
Thanks Heather...I would like to be able to walk that street again with the same sense of security and freedom...but it is becoming more and more difficult to find those streets.
Lovely photo ... sad sentiments, though. Ah, looking backwards can be lonely at times.
Jennifer I didn't mean to bring you down...I think it was the mood I was in when I posted!
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