Good afternoon folks,
Next Tuesday the 17th is my first year anniversary on the blog. Since I had no followers when I started...I figured I would re post some of my first blog photos next week beginning on the 17th for 3 or 4 days...kind of a trip down memory lane!
I will also run a contest beginning on Tuesday. I am not sure what the rules will be as yet but I would like to give away 4 8X10 prints matted in a black mat which will measure 11X17. The winners will have their choice of any image I have posted since the beginning of the blog.
I am not good at coming up with ideas for contests so bear with me on this one!
I really look forward to your early posts and congratulations on your upcoming anniversary.
May I suggest that your contest rules include only people named Sunny. LOL!
Enjoy your day.
Sunny :)
Congratulations in advance and thanks for the heads-up although it gives us no real chance to prepare since we don't know what the contest will be...! ;)
I have another 1½ month to my own anniversary as a blogger. Nowhere near as many followers but it seems I keep generating more blogs instead.
Well that does it...Sunny you made my life much easier.....
Hey Dawn Treader..with no rules...you don't have to take time out of your day preparing...I am only looking out for what is best for you!
As far as the multiple blogs...I don't know how you do it. I have trouble keeping up with this one and visiting my friends on all the other blogs. I couldn't do more than one.
How exciting Dan! I look forward to seeing your earlier posts. It's a pleasure to visit you here :)
Septembermom...thank YOU for all the visits and comments during the past year...I have really enjoyed the interaction!
It will be lovely to see your earlier posts Dan and I'm sure you're looking fowrward to your one year anniversary.
Mine was this past August, I was so excited, I couldn't believe I had actually managed to last a whole year. ♡
Wow! Dan!!! Congratulations!!!
;^) ;^) ;^)
I love the "sign" photo that you took for this one. ;^)
How VERY generous of you to have a contest!!! I am excited excited excited!
Looking forward to it ALL!
Dan congratulations. One year, wow, but you know 2nd year will be faster, and next thing you know it it will be 2 or 3 years. Congratulations again, you showcased some amazing work here. Anna :)
...have fun with your countdown! A full year is quite a milestone. I'd like to see your early posts too.
Congratulations ... I loved the way you gave notice of your 1st anniversary and look forward to seeing you photographs. Unfortunately two things stop me taking part in the contest, location and the fact that my name isn't Sunny... grins. I'll have words with her when next I visit!
Dan, you're too right. I'm having a hard enough time keeping up with things as it is. I spend so much effort organizing things that I sometimes don't get round to the actual things that I'm trying to organize! (Please make the contest simple...)
Dianne...congrats on over one year in blogland! I never thought I would still be here today...I started on a whim. I had some photos that I just had get out there on the web and once the feedback began to come in, I couldn't resist posting more. I have thoroughly enjoyed the past year.
Cynthia...the least I could do in return for all the kind, encouraging comments over the last year is to offer soemething in return.
Anna...I visited your profile and see that you have been "out there" since 2007! WOW...I am just a fledgling child! Thank you for all of your kind words over the last year.
Thank you for all the support over the last year...as I say on my blog...It is because of all the support from the blogishpere that "we bloggers blog!"
Valerie...perhaps with you and Sunny's common ties to the UK...you can ask her to stop trying to cheat! I am totally kidding of course! Thanks for your kind words.
Valerie...by the way...If you win, I will be glad to ship the photo to England...no problem.
Dawn Treader...I have decided that I will be the judge of a 400 page essay submitted by next Tuesday on the pros and cons of global warming, famine in the third world, the effect of technology on today's youth and an interpretation of Bob Dylan's complete library of work since 1960. Is that too hard?
That's very generous of you Dan. Thank you.
Dan, it would be a piece of cake if not for the fact that my desktop computer with all my documents on it (documents which of course contained those facts) DIED this afternoon. *sigh*
I still have the laptop but nowhere near 400 pages saved on it...
Valerie...your are welcome.
Dawn Treader...you have such a dry sense of humor...I never know whether you are kidding of not! If in fact your desktop did crash..that is a nightmare. It has happened to me as well. I have so many photos and about 8000 music mp3's that I now back up religiously. Even so, it is still a mess when the hard drive crashes...best of luck to you.
Yes Dan I'm afraid it's true about the crash. See blogpost at my Island! I do have backup on much but not all the more recent photo edits and documents.
Dawn Treader...I am so sorry. That is a nightmare. All the work you put into the photos and documents you lost. I have had it happen to me and it throws me off for quite a while trying to get back in the swing of things. Weeks even months later...I am still finding things I lost. Hang in there.
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