When I entered the old shop it was like walking onto the set of the old Twilight Zone. A single elderly proprietor greeted me with a sideways glance not making eye contact. There were mainly old books and porcelain trinkets scattered all over the room in no particular order. But at the front of the shop ... peering out of the window sat a regal old chair with a half life size doll holding her ....it's....young one. I asked the shop owner if I could take a picture of her and he seemed excited that I would even want to. As I set up the tripod, he was right over my shoulder talking about the doll as if it was more than just a doll. Using words like....she, they, her...he even told me that "she" was great company after his wife passed last Summer.
As I left, I asked how much he was asking for the doll..."Not for Sale" he said.
Just to give full disclosure...the above account of my visit to the old antique shop was not a real experience for me...it is just a reflection of the feelings I had when I was wandering through the remnants of past lives...I did however take the picture in the shop.
Well you had me going there! It was a lovely 'memory/Reflection' of heart... enjoyed it a lot, thanks! :)
Dan, you're too truthful for your own good sometimes. I would fully have believed you! ;)
Ever thought of gathering some of your "illusions" (words and pictures) together in a book? (thinking about your Halloween/library pictures from last year, among others)
I just love dolls. They have so much to say in their silence.
Great story, Dan! I believed you, too!
Yep, we've been trying to get you to put something together for a book for some time now.
Somewhere in another dimension, Rod Serling is impressed with your narrative!
You had me believing you!
Sunny :)
Wonderfulwire...I didn't mean to mislead...I just wanted to relay my feelings as I was in the old shop...I could imagine the conversation taking place between me an the proprietor of the shop.
I don't know why, but porcelain dolls kind of creep me out. They're just too life-like, and something about them scares me! That's silly, isn't it??
I was caught up in your words.
Great picture!
Dawn Treader...I have always wanted to put this info in a book just for my own "ego" I guess. I looked into self publishing a book on Blurb and for the size I want for a large format...it would be about 90.00 per book! I may do that someday.
Thanks Cynthia...I could see that conversation happening since the doll was in such a prominent place in the shop.
Sunny...I was a Twilight Zone addict during those days! Still like it on the reruns.
Alabama Heather....that's not crazy...it is quite like the fear that so many have of clowns. I saw a ghosthunters show that showed a bed full of dolls in a darkened bedroom...when all at once...one of the dolls eyes opened! Freaked me out as well.
Thanks Septembermom...I appreciate the comment.
You had me going there. Why did you have to spoil it with a disclosure? Sometimes, it's best not to know. Still, this is a remarkable photo, as are all of your photos.
Happy Easter, Dan.
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