The legend of the dogwood
There is a Christian legend of unknown origin that proclaims that the cross used to crucify Jesus was constructed of dogwood.[4] As the story goes, during the time of Jesus, the dogwood was larger and stronger than it is today and was the largest tree in the area of Jerusalem. After his crucifixion, Jesus changed the plant to its current form: he shortened it and twisted its branches to assure an end to its use for the construction of crosses. He also transformed its inflorescence into a representation of the crucifixion itself, with the four white bracts cross-shaped, which represent the four corners of the cross, each bearing a rusty indentation as of a nail and the red stamens of the flower, represents Jesus' crown of thorns, and the clustered red fruit represent his blood.[5]
We hope everyone enjoys beautiful weather today as you awake to another Easter Morning...enjoy the day. The dogwood pictures were taken last Spring...I am eagerly awaiting their return for 2010.
Dan, Karen, Zach and Scooter
Happy Easter Dan to you and your family! Wonderful post. Very interesting. Love the pictures.
My dogwood's an atheist but glorious none the less.
A very beautiful tree and a most interesting history, great photos.
xoxoxo ♡
Wishing you and your family a very Happy Easter.
Sunny :)
Beautiful photos and sentiment Dan! I could sit under that dogwood all day. Really, what a gorgeous setting!
Easter blessings to you and your family!
The photos are amazing. Thank you for sharing and Happy easter!
Without Easter
Without Easter,
there would be no hope of heaven.
Without the hope of heaven,
there would be no repentance,
no personal transformation,
no attempt to follow biblical principles.
Without Easter,
the world would be in chaos
and darkness.
Jesus’ death and resurrection
means we can be reborn,
to live better, to do better,
to shine light into the shadows.
Happy, Happy Easter.
By Joanna Fuchs
I hope you had a wonderful Easter weekend, Dan. Those dogwood trees are beautiful, aren't they? They always remind me of home... they cover the yard at my parents' house. Gorgeous close up of the flower :)
Thanks Septembermom and i hope you had a great Easter as well.
J...that is what makes the world go round.
Thank you New England Sunny...and the same to your family!
Thanks Shabbygirl...I will be revisiting that dogwood shortly after it blooms...it is near my house and it is a "perfect" dogwood! Hope you Easter went great.
S. Petersburg Sunny...It is great to hear from you again and hope all is well from so far away! Thank you for the poem and hope your Easter went well.
Alabama Heather...I bet the dogwoods have already bloomed in pour neck of the woods?
Catching up backwards on some of your posts... (I've been (am still) kind of busy getting to know my new computer!) This was a beautiful Easter post. Didn't know what dogwood was and never heard the legend.
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