Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Oxen and their caretaker

Among some of the most interesting characters at the Rendezvous was the keeper of the oxen. I entered a photo contest for the day and this picture was chosen for Honorable Mention.

This team of oxen were seen along with their master at various venues throughout the day...the battles, pulling a Conestoga wagon , an open topped wagon for transporting passengers etc. He was truly one with his oxen. He told me that pairs of oxen team up for life. He had another team that he dearly loved but one of the oxen passed away last year. He he told me...that if one of the pair dies...the other will follow shortly after. He slept for a week in the stall with the remaining oxen hoping to help it through the stress of separation but to no avail...within 2 weeks both of his oxen had died.

This new pair will hopefully be with him for a long time to come.



Sunny said...

Congrats on winning. I never knew that oxen teamed up for life; they seem to make a comfy seat too!
I have really enjoyed this series of pictures.
☼ Sunny

Mersad said...

Lovely HDR. Love the golden colors of the afternoon. Congratulations on winning too.

Cynthia L. H. said...

Congratulations on the award!
Such a mixture of seriousness and play in this one...the look on his brow is very intense, yet the striped socks lend a rather clownish look...
He is very devoted to his team and they are obviously quite comfortable with each other. I may have read about oxen teaming up for life before, but this really struck home when you mentioned them passing on in a close time frame. What a big heart this man has to sleep in the stall to comfort his friend....

dianne said...

Congratulations on the award, lovely image Dan!

I had no idea that oxen teamed up for life, how sad that his other pair of oxen had died.
What a kind and caring man to stay with the remaining oxen to help it with the sadness and distress of separation from its friend, that is really heart warming. xoxo ♥

psychelyn said...

CONGRATULATIONS for the award! the picture expresses a lot. and i like exactly how your subject look like. Perfect!

Dan Felstead said...

Thanks seemed be be a strong bond between the owner and the oxen as well. And yes he looks very comfortable. I am thinking about getting one for my living room.


Dan Felstead said...

Thanks was a fun day and yo are right...this was near the end of the day at sunset.


Dan Felstead said...

Cynthia...he really loved his oxen. This was the 4th team that he had owned over time. I like his outfit as well!


Dan Felstead said...

Dianne...I think he was a saddened by the event as was the oxen's mate.


Dan Felstead said...

Thanks you have oxen in the Philippines?
