Friday, September 17, 2010


Yesterday and today I seem to be focused on circles. As I stumbled across this picture taken a year ago it struck me how many circles or ovals are in the picture. I counted somewhere between 30 and 40 circles/ovals.

I think I am becoming OCD!



shabby girl said...

It's like one of those jumping dolphin pictures that you have to look at cross eyed to see the dolphins. All of a sudden, all you see is circles!

Sunny said...

I'm dizzy! Don't worry, I was that way before I looked at all your circles.
It was fun to see how many I could find!
Have a great weekend.
☼ Sunny

Dan Felstead said...

Shabbygirl! Great thought. I love those 3D pictures that you are talking about. They were very popular about 6 or 7 years ago. I remember them well!


Dan Felstead said...

Sunny...You aren't just have a great dry sense of must be those British genes.
