Monday, October 8, 2012

Green...Very Green

You can click on the individual images for a better view.

After 8 days in the Loire Valley we found ourselves doing something that we were getting very good at.  Packing once again to continue on our adventure.  It was almost like each of us had assigned our own duties and without much conversation we occasionally crossed each others paths carrying a bag of laundry or guidebook...or camera equipment, laptop, mementos of the Loire and stashing them in just the right place.

Also by this time, we had become comfortable with driving in France.  Good thing...the roads were going to be changing.  Much more rural, many single lane roads winding through the Dordogne and Provence.

Last stop was to fill up at the small one pump gas station in Perusson.  I had become friends with the man and wife who ran the gas station.  We said our goodbyes.  The man at the gas station asked where we were headed next.  I told him the Dordogne Valley.  His eyes lit up and with a broad smile and hand gestures he said his dry no nonsense manor...."Ah the Dordogne.  Much different than the Loire.  Very beautiful and G r e e n....V e r y V e r y G r e e n."

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