It was raining here today and I was reminded of one of the fishing trips to Lake of the Woods, Ontario. This has been an ongoing experience for me that has truly spanned generations. For me it has become not so much the fishing...although it is the best I have ever seen, it is about the connections. They began with my dad over 50 years ago...and my dad's trips before me that go back almost 70 years...now the trips with Zach.
I have family pictures of this cabin taken years ago...some with my mom (now passed away) and dad (85 years old) standing on this front porch. Today when I go...I rent this same cabin. When I return, the memories flood my mind. The island is only about 2 acres in size with 5 cabins. We are boated out and dropped off for the duration...there is electricity and running water but that is about it. The heat provided by the wood burning stove has saturated the old logs with the smell of Hickory from decades of use during the late fall hunting seasons. Existence here is truly a fairytale of a life so unlike my daily treks in Evansville... a world away.
This particular day, rain had set in and we were waiting out the storm. Even a stormy day here is wonderful. Inside...no TV or radio noise...just the sound of raindrops on the old tar roof. A chance to talk with each other...spin tales of fish that got away and summers past on this island where generations of visitors now gone still make there presence known from old photographs of proud fishermen holding up their daily catch for the world to see.
I have stayed in 5 star hotels all across the United States, played golf at luxury resorts... but this meager cabin means more to me than any concierge service or king sized bed I have ever used.
Wow - that looks like a perfect place to spend the weekend. What a wonderful tradition you have in going back to the same cabin each time.
The colours in these photos are fab. I love it. Nothing compares to a cabin in the woods or a house on the lake, spending time with family. Making memories. The air is different in these settings I'm sure of it. Is that Zach on the bed playing Nintendo? :)
Wonderful pictures, delightful memories.
Sunny :)
Heather...after the mountains...that is my favorite place to visit!
Pura...you have a keen eye! Yes that is Zach and that is a Nintendo! The drive to Lake of the woods is 24 hours straight through. On the way up...he played Nintendo when he wasn't driving. Also he was the commander of the laptop...playing episodes of "Lost"...We both watched as we drove...kind of scary to be on the road when we are!
Sunny...It was and still is great memories. Pura mentioned the Nintendo...our connection with each other and conversations were almost at a standstill...until the batteries died!
Dan, thanks for the advice on where to find information on how you create your photos. I would not ever expect mine to equal yours but I will definately look more into it.
The first shot in the cabin is absolutely awesome. What great memories of this special place.
Faye, thank you so much for the kind words. Let me know if you want more details on HDR.
Great photos... and memories Dan. Thank you for sharing.
Dan, I love how you did the photos! I know what you mean about the love for a cabin, such as this.
I was thinking, as I read this post that you could be a writer, Dan Felstead! The photos you share, the prose, the life and the history...it's all a great making of one fine man - YOU.
Always smiling when I leave :)
I would like to spend a year there. I can see me in Zach's place, camera in my hand going over the photos I shot for the day.
Stunning photo. A place we would all like to be.
Breathtaking colors.
Great memories for your family. I like how you describe hearing the raindrops and having good conversation. That's true family time:) The colors are so vibrant in these photos.
Tricia...you have some great new photos as well. I visited your blog but didn't have the chance yet to comment...I like your new banner and the awesome trains pics...I like the effect.
Vermont Heather...I am blushing! Each time I post a cabin or something about our history...I think of you and Vermont...it must be a treasure trove of both!
Thanks Patty...have you tried making your pics larger as yet?
Thanks Septembermom...as I write this...the weather says it is raining in New York from Hurricane Danny...you can probably hear those raindrops about now!
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