To me this image is the perfect metaphor of the paths we follow in our lives. When I saw it out the window from 30,000 feet...I was immediately struck with the thought of how different it looks from this vantage point. If I were on the ground somewhere in the mountainous region to the right of the picture and walking east to the left...I would have no idea what I was about to see or have to cope with...leaving the lush vegetation and cover of wilderness into the open unshaded desert. However from high above I had the advantage of seeing the big picture and easily realized I was looking at the deserts' edge...now able to adapt behavior or survival techniques...knowing what was ahead of me.
So many times we get caught up in the details of life dealing with the minutiae of our daily schedules and are caught blindsided by unexpected occurrences...not knowing how to cope with the changes. If we could get in the habit of stepping back now and then, re assessing and looking at the big picture...we may be able to see or plan for what may be ahead. We may be able to live our lives accordingly and easier deal with gradual change rather than a disruption...leaving us vulnerable to rash, hastily made decisions. I am "preaching" to myself here as well...I often don't look at the big picture either...unable to leave the comfortable rut and look above the trench to see what is ahead of me. I am going to take the time to do that...I need some new direction.
Thank you for such inspiring words and I totally agree with you about looking at the big picture.
I wonder if we could look at our life, like looking at your wonderful photo, what would we have done differently.
Enjoy your weekend.
Sunny :)
It is a road isn't it, that winding line in the middle? That's the first thing that caught my eye in this picture...
Following a road, at least it's likely to take you *somewhere*...
I'm reminded of Tolkien's Lord of the Ring, looking at this.
Sunny...there certainly are things that I would have done differently!
Dawn Treader...It does have a resemblance to the ages map of Lord of the rings. I never thought of that.
And yes it is a road...like you said... as long as yo have a road map to follow ...it helps.
Wonderful advice and an amazing photo. So true that the big picture is worth contemplating and enjoying.
Thanks Septembermom...the only thing wrong with the advice is that I gave it...but I often don't follow it! I shouldn't be so hypocritical!
Dan you're in denial if you say you are not a poet at heart. What lovely words full of inspiring wisdom. A great comparison of the photo to the choices and paths we undergo in life. I know I can relate to the photo and see the many twists and turns my experiences have taken me. Bravo to you!!
Pura...thank you so much but I still can't accept the Poet mantle when I read a poem from a truly talented bard such as yourself. But thank you...for that brief second while I read your post...I felt like I was the greatest poet this world has ever known! Thanks for letting glimpse that feeling even if it was brief!
Dan, stop that! I read your narratives here and stories on PPP. Your stories take me there and many of them leave me sitting there contemplating like the one for the Violets prompt. That one struck a chord. How beautiful you are, POET!
Pura...I hope that the violets story doesn't personally ring true! That would be a devastating burden to endure...I don't see how parents make it through a time like that.
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