Pretty simple image...a barn and an old tree but I think that the only two focal points in this image ties them together...each struggling to outlast the other. Both have seen their better days. One created by man...one created by God. I would guess that there used to be a grove of trees like this one...the barn is probably created from the local wood.
Have a relaxing Sunday.
I think the one created by God, will be here a bit longer than the one created by man.
Lovely picture, terrific barn.
Sunny :)
You can't ever miss with trees and barns. I agree that sometimes less is better. Very pretty photo.
this is awesome. it looks almost 3d. you have a fantastic eye.
oh and we are in the same area. I live just outside of New Harmony. I found you through etsy first, I think I recognized some of the places you took your shots :)
Dan, there is a poet in you. I'm sure of it :) Happy Sunday!
Sunny...spot on...so far the wonders that God has made...have long outlived those of man.
Tricia...I was so tempted to post a closeup of the barn...but wanted to include the interesting tree.
Jaime!!! We are neighbors so to speak...I say I live in Evansville so folks can find it on a map but I actually live in St. Phillips! (To the readers of the blog...St. Phillips is a small community just outside of Evansville.)
Welcome to the blog...I think you are the first "local" person to stop by!
Septembermom...no poet in me...my poetry ends up sounding like a recipe for bean soup! I don't have the talent for putting words in rhyme or short and concise...unlike you and your talent for poetry.
I agree less is more. This photo speaks volumes. Although the barn was made by man's hands it was orchestrated by God using His materials. They both have character and will last. Who will win, only One knows. Nice reflective piece. I have to catch up with your postings.
Thanks for stopping by. You had me laughing at your comment. As you can tell I don't get out much :)
Pura...I was laughing as well after I left the comment but your poem was rather intense!...Good but intense. That is what I like about your poetry..it often explodes with descriptive language.
LOVE that bright blue in the sky. That's my favorite color :)
I really like the simplicity of this shot.
Wow! Always good to stop by here and relax my mind. Keep up the excellent work!
Thanks Constantin....after your daily activities...you need a rest now and then!
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