However, there were inhabitants of this land long before the white settlers ventured across the Missouri river. The Osage Indians. They were a waring people, larger than most other tribes...some say 6.5 to 7 feet tall. The link will show an artist's rendition of an Osage Indian Village. You will see that their abodes were very similar to the ones in today's photos.
The working farm that we visit each year actually has a separate area devoted to the very early settlers of this area...the Indians and the fur trappers. Replicas of the Osage Indian abode have been meticulously re assembled. They are pretty amazing structures. We so often think of Tepee's being the typical Indian habitat but for the Osage...they chose this type of hut made out of wheat, reeds and other indigenous plants. Often they would then coat the hut with a mud mixture making it impervious to the elements. A hole in the roof acted as a natural draw and kept the smoke out of the living quarters...similar to a Tepee. The floor was built of wooden planks...often better than many of the log cabins at that time with dirt floors.
Just some history today...hope I didn't bore you!
You always provide great history and information Dan. Fascinating. Love the photos too.
This is a great lesson that we all need to keep in mind, as much as any other! Love the photos...thank you.
Thanks Dan. Keep good notes, we will be back on accommodation like this in a generation or so.
Really interesting information and great pictures. The black and white shot really shows the detail well.
Sunny :)
P.S. How is your son?
I wish I could sit cross legged in there for a spell...maybe have some buffalo fajitas
So NOT boring! I never knew about these; very interesting to learn...
Thanks Septembermom...unitl I saw these, I had always thought of Indian in Tepees!
Cynthia...I could back to this type of living as long as I had my camera and IPOD!
J...I love your way of understatement! However so true!
Thanks for asking Sunny. Zach is doing fine. He is having trouble finding the time to post some pictures due to work and school.
Sabrina...Sounds good to me. With that hanging pot...they would have some good smoke taste to them!
Thanks Dawn Treader. It was news to me as well.
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