It was obvious as I watched the family...different members had different jobs to do. Some were dipping candles in the hot beeswax, some were stringing the newly formed candles to dry and harden and the boys were keeping the fire under the large black cast iron pot to a red glow. The three were nearest to me were a child and two older children who had been given the responsibility to keep her out of harm's way while the work was done.
As they sat and talked of the days events...the little girl at times wandered but was quickly returned to her place in the family hierarchy. I think she was also curious about what I was doing!
I so enjoy your blog Dan... and love to dwell for a time on your incredible photographs... thank you!
The little girl's gaze is arresting. Here's a picture that may speak volumes on various levels. Great work once again Dan!
Yes, the little girl stands out. The expression and her red shawl. Good shot.
Lovely photo Dan, sometimes I think it would be lovely to go back to an era where we made so many things like candles for ourselves and were much more reliant on our own skills for survival...a quieter time...don't get me wrong though I realise it was very hard work and I do like the conveniences that we now have.
I was looking back through your posts and found some interesting photographs of rustic old houses and barns...I am instantly drawn to images such as those, there is something very appealing about them. ♡
Apart from the little girl, I really like the colors in this picture...the grays and white with the pop of red.
I love the expression on the little girl's face.
Sunny :)
Wonderful picture - I love the expression on her face :)
Thanks for your kind comments on my Creative Outlet, they were much appreciated. I don't have the Follow option clearly listed on that blog because I tend to neglect it terribly.
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Is, as the name implies, updated every day :)
Thanks again for dropping by and I'll definitely spend some time browsing your archives - your pictures are incredibly captivating.
Wow, is that a different way to live or what? I bet the little girl WAS interested in what you were doing. So are all of us.
Thanks yo so much for your kind words Wonderfulwire and a big thanks for stopping by and spending some time!
Thanks Septembermom...I blacked out the background but they were in fact making candles.
Thanks Lly...I highlighted the little girl since she was the focus of the image.
Dianne...thanks for the time spent on the blog. I often wonder if folks go back into the older posts to rummage around. Old houses and barns are my favorite to shoot...so much character with them.
Sunny...thanks...I am not sure how happy the little girl was that I was taking her picture!
Marc...thanks for the kind words and yes I did visit your daily writing practice and enjoyed it very much. I will be returning.
Sabrina...it certainly was different times. I will be posting how different things were later this week.
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