Wednesday, May 5, 2010

First Arrival!

This weekend was our first sighting of the year.

I always look forward to my favorite animal athletes returning from year to year. I watched a Nature documentary this Winter that noted that Hummingbirds will often return to the same feeders each year after their 1000 mile migrations. Since he is showing us such loyalty...I gave him a special frame! We are glad to have them back again.



Anonymous said...

Amazing photo of this little guy in flight. Love the colors!! My grandmother is OBSESSED with hummingbirds - I bet she'd absolutely love this shot. I might need to come check out your shop on etsy...

Sunny said...

This is a picture I can only dream of taking.
A few years ago I was wearing a red bandana while working in the garden; it seemed like a hummingbird magnet as they kept dive-bombing my head!
Sunny :)

DawnTreader said...

Fantastic shot and beautiful framing. We don't have hummingbirds here and I've never seen one except on TV and pictures.

Pura said...

Hi Dan,

Stopping by to see how you are and tell you that your picture is absolutely stunning. Now that college is over for me and I have time to write again, I have another blog. I know I'm weird. Stop by if you like I will keep you on my blog list.


Sarah Sullivan said...

Oh what a wonderful shot Dan...I do so love my hummers..wait every year for them to return!!
Sooo cold here still..suppose to get two inches of snow tonight...geesh..but soon!!

Dan Felstead said...

Thanks Heather...I have not got this listed as yet on ETSY but will have in the future. In the event that you may want a print before I get it listed...just let me know via my email: and I can get back to you with prices, sizes etc. This is a long...relatively narrow print.


Dan Felstead said...

Sunny...LOL...they love red!


Dan Felstead said...

WOW Dawn Treader I did not realize there are no hummingbirds in Sweden! What a surprise.


Dan Felstead said...

Pura! Welcome back! I will be sure and stop by your blog. If you are finished with school...that is a reason to celebrate!


Dan Felstead said...

Thanks J! Appreciate it.


Dan Felstead said...

Sarah! I love Idaho but snowing this time of year???? I don't know that I could handle that!


shabby girl said...

Such a wonderful shot! You are an amazing photographer Dan.
I can't help but feel a responsibility for the birds that come back year after year. I created this situation in my neighborhood.
This is the first year that we've had the Orioles (two pair) every day.
What have I done?? :)