Friday, May 14, 2010

Spring's Final Transition

It rained most of the week this week with temperatures reaching into the high 80's.

After the rains, the flowering trees have now faded...the blossoms of the dogwood and cherry trees lay on the ground giving us in the Midwest one last burst of color...not on the trees but on the ground. The loss of the dogwood blossoms has always signaled the end of the transition to Spring for me. With this last dying burst...the landscape turns to the creation of Early
Summer...although not yet official.

I start thinking towards the Summer holidays of Memorial Day and July 4th.



Sunny said...

A lovely place to have a picnic lunch. It's hard to believe Memorial Day is almost here, it seems like we just put the snow shovels away!
Have a great weekend.
Sunny :)

shabby girl said...

What a beautiful scene! The blurred backround makes me think of heat & humidity. I could hang out there for a while! But without the humidity.

dianne said...

How very beautiful Dan, what a lovely place to sit and admire the wonder of Nature. xoxo ♥

Anonymous said...

I want to sit there and read a book! Or lay on a blanket and take a nap... it looks like a very peaceful place. Absolutely gorgeous.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend Dan :)

Dan Felstead said...

Sunny...I think you all HAVE just put your snow shovels away!


Dan Felstead said...

Thanks Diane. Hope things are going well for you.


Dan Felstead said...

Heather...nice ambient light...great for a Kindle!


Dan Felstead said... fact it had just rained and you are right very humid. It usually is not this humid this early in the year but I fear this will be a hot summer.



Oh OH OH Dan!!! I have not words enaught to describe my feelings watching your photo!!! I just imagine my wife and I lazing here for all the weekend (and sorry for my words...) making love!!! Great Photo!!!!

DawnTreader said...

Another lovely, dreamy picture... And you're still so far ahead of us, our spring has been very slow this year.

Dan Felstead said...

Miguel....Beautiful pastoral areas such as these...serve many purposes!


Dan Felstead said...

Dawn Treader...Our Spring has arrived with a vengeance...humid already and storms passing through. So typical for the Midwest.
