I have had a few people both on the blog and by email ask me questions about the landscape and hummingbird shots so I thought I would answer on the blog.
Wherever I go I always have a tripod, a Nikon Digital SLR with a 300 mm telephoto, and a Canon G9 (current model is G11) compact camera with me. Most of my landscapes are taken with the compact G9...a very versatile camera with both automatic and manual settings. About 90 percent of those pictures are taken using the HDR process about which I have blogged before...thus the tripod...HDR requires a tripod.
The hummingbird pictures are difficult ones to get...at least for me! I use the Digital SLR with telephoto for these. First of all, I use the automatic focus and set it for the feeder...that way I know that whatever I take near the feeder will be in focus. Then I turn the auto focus off...often when taking pictures of fast moving birds...the camera will try to focus automatically and you will miss shots you want. With the auto focus turned off...as soon as I click the shutter...the picture is captured. I always use the "shutter" priority mode so I can be assured of using at least 1600th or faster shutter speed...this is needed to stop a hummingbirds wings. If I am wanting the wings to show motion...I will use slower shutter speeds.
Thanks for asking these questions and I am always glad to offer any information you are curious about.
I guess for every one who asks there was someone like me out there wondering but not asking! Thanks for the explanation.
Never having had that kind of equipment... I just often know when I look at your pictures that I could never accomplish "that" with my camera (and level of photography skill). And still I've learned lots from you over the year I've been following... ;)
I've got the hummingbirds, now all I need is a better eye and a good camera!
☼ Sunny
Rebecca your welcomed...now it is your turn to share your photography secrets!
Dawn Treader...you have the eye for good photography and also a step towards enhancing focus...light...contrast..etc with Photoshop elements. I am challenging you to dive into it this year and then compare your photos now with the photos you produce one year from now.
Sunny...just as i told Dawn Treader...you have the eye....no doubt. And Lord knows the beautiful surroundings to keep taking your beautiful pictures. I am waiting for you to put a camera in Lucy's paws!
Sounds easy when you say it like that. Bet it's not.
great post
J it isn't that hard...it just takes patience and time!
Thanks Brett..glad you stopped by!
Gorgeous photos...tips...and lessons, too???!!!
;^) ;^) ;^)
How nice of you to share...thank you, Dan.
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