Thursday, June 10, 2010


I suppose if I had to pick...the color photo above would be my favorite of the day.

I noticed that the common ground for both photos was the conversations taking place...strategies....complaints....concerns? The realism of the day was breathtaking. These reenacters took their passion very seriously. In both photos you can see the serious nature of the conversations in the faces. The color photo is one of those captures that I can spend a lot of time on just looking at the different pockets of activity within the photo...the "dressing down" of the commander by the female, the vigilance of the soldier to the left, the attention of the line of combatants behind the the commander...awaiting his instructions, and the "fog" of battle in the background...smoke from the canons and rifles.



dianne said...

That is a great photo dear Dan, you have captured the moment ... I really love the 'fog' of battle in the background, it draws your gaze away from the main characters for a moment and reminds us what this gathering is all about, yet softens the situation in which they are all involved. xoxo ♡

shabby girl said...

Both are wonderful. I, too, love the smokiness to them.

Dan Felstead said...

Thank you was my favorite of the almost 1800 pictures I took that day.


Dan Felstead said...

Thanks Shabbygirl...watching the weather...I see that it has been brutally hot out there over the last week...hope you are doing ok.


Cynthia L. H. said...

These photos do look as if they've appeared out of the fog of history...very realistic...and you're right, the intensity of the conversations and looks on the faces from them are very convincing!

Dan Felstead said...

Thanks Cynthia...even though it was very was a great day!
