Tuesday, August 31, 2010

River Towns

The flow of water served as transportation, nourishment, modes of exploration and a gathering of populations early in the development of this or any other country.

Along the natural serpentine waterways ports began to develop. Along with the ports there were needed places for the water born travelers to stay for the night while in port. Often these travelers were the rowdy adventure seeking types. A place of refuge needed no more to offer than basic food...drink and a place to sleep. This is one of those early river town boarding houses.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Open for business...garage...not antiques

Passing by the old garage, I had to stop...the Standard Oil Sign caught my eye.

Standard Oil ceased to exist after the energy crisis of the '70s. Yet it still exists here along the side of the two lane...gas pumps and all. At first I thought the old building was an antique dealer but I found that the owner still serviced the tractors and farm implements of the area.

The only service for miles...he was a critical part of the community. Brings to mind the saying..."Don't judge a book by it's cover". We all have a purpose while we are here. If the occasional visitor misses your purpose and importance...take comfort that the ones who matter know you are important.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Find a corner in your own nest today

Here is hoping that you can carve out some time for yourself today to re charge for the week ahead.

Have a great Sunday.


Treat Yourself....Lorie Line

There are times when I just have to hear Robert Plant Screaming "Whole Lotta Love" or Bob Dylan's unique take on life but then again there are times when I just want to let my mind wander with beautiful...I mean truly beautiful piano music accompanying me along the way.

That is when I listen to Lorie Line. Karen and I heard Lorie in 1996 or so on PBS during a pledge drive and were hooked from that point forward. We have now attended several years of her amazing concerts since then whenever she has made it to our area. She is George Winston, David Lanz and Liberace combined int0 her own unique style. Playing all types of music, sometimes Broadway...sometimes classical...other times standards and rock...anything she tackles is music at it's best.

These two photos were taken recently at her concert in St. Louis earlier this month. If you ever have the opportunity to hear her...don't pass the chance...you will thank me for it!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Stardate Log: 3465 Discovered remnants of.....

These ancient bones displayed at a recent museum visit sparked my imagination.

Two Millenia from now when the Archeologists unearth remnants of the 21st Century...what will they find? Will there be the remains of polished marble walls where great libraries used to stand that had gradually...slowly... given way to Nature's fury over the centuries or will they see clues of an abrupt end to a once great civilization with the faint clicks of a Geiger counter crackling in the background?


Thursday, August 26, 2010

And Where it Stops...Nobody Knows.....

Motion...clicks...bells...grinds...waving green flags...multi-colored bowling balls...twisted rails and elevators...movement for no apparent purpose.

The name that always comes to mind is Rube Goldberg. He was an artist and inventor that conceived some of the most amazing machines just for the sake of a very simple purpose. As I stood watching...listening and feeling the thump..thump..thump of bowling balls transported up an elevator to the top of the three story tower and then dumped onto the roller coaster ride to the bottom only to be caught and transported back to the top again, I wondered what was the fascination with these machines for apparently no benefit to humanity? Yet I couldn't stop watching. As I looked around the room everyone was transfixed like robots staring...smiling...even chuckling to themselves. Children, mouths open, swaying back and forth with occasional shrieks of amazement tugged at dad's thumb as if to ask "What is it"?

It was comforting to see a machine with no hidden agenda and no underlying "buying" message...just doing what it did best....just because it could.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Echoes of Past lives

When I first began to blog...I found this amazing site "Pictures Poetry and Prose". No longer active now...while it existed it provided the perfect combination of an image prompt with a suggested writing topic. By the way, there is now a site that carry's on the legacy of PPP...
"Write with Pictures" . If you have the desire to write...check it out and try your skills.

One of the posts that inspired me was of a vinyl record spinning on a turntable. The post I offered was inspired by the old 2nd hand record shop above. While I was in St. Louis a couple of weeks ago I took a picture of it with the post in mind. Below is the post:

V for vinyl... include a record, scratchy needle sounds and all,
in your writing today in any way you like creatively.


Walking through the doors of Vintage Vinyl, a small 2nd hand record shop, the mix of patchouli incense and the scent of old moldy record jackets filled the air. As I was thumbing through my life alphabetically, Tea for the Tillerman, Threshold of a Dream, Led Zepplin, Uriah Heap, Tom Rush, Tommy and all the others help dust off the corners of a life long forgotten.

Then I heard a familiar sound that caught my attention...the hiss-pop anticipation of a needle on vinyl. MP3s go from silence to the music with no anticipation...a vinyl always builds to the song because you know when that hiss-pop starts...music will follow.

Francois Hardy..."Je t'aime" began to play. Francois Hardy was the hottest artist that summer in Europe. Everywhere there was music playing...there was Francois Hardy. I was back at the Cafe du Monde in Paris...1972 with my traveling companion, a French Canadian from Nestor Falls, Ontario. This was the departure we both dreaded. After 3 months of hitch hiking the Gold Coast of Spain to the hash bars of Amsterdam, she was headed back for school. Just like that Jackie Dumont walked out of my life just as she came in...no fanfare...just gone...

The song over, I gathered my composure, paid for my teenage son's White Stripes album and left the store. Once outside, I looked back once more. I could swear I saw the reflection of a French Canadian I once knew in the window.


As I looked at the participant list I realized that many of the followers of my blog came from that site early on. We all got to know each other through our writing. I am sure each of you who have a blog can remember certain sites that you visited as you "grew up" in the blogging world and will remain with you forever even if they no longer exist.

Here's to the memories.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

No Marketing Needed

In small town America...or small town anywhere for that matter...one doesn't need yellow pages, Facebook, billboards, 60 second TV spots or a star athlete spokesperson to advertise one's wares.

A simple painted sign will let everyone know where the restaurant or orchard is located. After all there are only 2 or 3 streets. When the bakery closes down...just paint white over the sign and wait for another entrepreneur to step forward. I have seen the Megatron displays in Times Square advertising to millions of people and the computerized dancing fountains in front of Bellagio's in Las Vegas luring passer-byes into the casino. Compared to those....I think I like the simple direct method of a painted sign and a small town.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Around when Dinosaurs walked the Earth

On this earth for almost 4 million years...we are looking at a relic of the Dinosaurs.

The Kimodo Dragon is one of the largest living lizards of today and a bit of trivia tells us that their best defense is a virulent bacteria present in their mouths causes an anitibiotic resistant sepsis when bitten and the victim usually dies of shock.

Not your garden variety yard lizard.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Dreaded Aunt in the Attic.....

As I observed this face...I had the strangest urge......

I felt like the dreaded Aunt at the family reunion....the one that arrives with a flourish and promptly saunters up to the cute little red headed boy and gives his cheeks a nice big pinch ...embarrassing the little boy to the point that his rosy red cheeks blush to the same reds as his hair.

I wanted to grab this little creature and give him a nice pinch on those furry, fuzzy little cheeks. Although I must admit..he didn't seem to interested in the idea.

Have a great Sunday...give someone a nice gentle pinch on the cheeks.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Big Chill

Today begins a Big Chill weekend.

Today I am doing something I have wanted to do for decades...meet up with my four college roommates at Purdue. We were 5 peas in a pod...as close as brothers. It is back to school weekend and the parents will be dropping of the students...a time of letting go for the both the kids and the parents. We have not been together as a group for 40 years! The last time we were together...we looked like this. The five of us did OK I guess...out of this motley crew emerged a wildlife biologist, a photographer, an operations director at a University, a Jeweler/Guitar maker and a politician.

The top picture is me in 1970 while I was hitchhiking across Europe with the guy at the bottom of the 2nd picture...Melon. We called him Melon because he had a head the size of a watermelon...funny how nicknames stick...I still call him Melon. Someday I will tell you my nickname...it is a bit embarrassing! I am on the right in the bottom picture. As you can tell by the wonderful decor of our apartment with the tie dyed sheets for curtains...I went to college in the late 60's - early 70's. WOW...what a time to be in college. One unique bit of trivia about the group...All 5 of us are still married to the same wives we dated in college! Unheard of in today's throw away society.

In the top picture...I am sporting a new tooth...a tooth that was broken off one night when I had a bit to drink and misjudged a door...walked right into the door facing. I don't know how I ever survived those days but now as I look back...it was a period in my life that was transforming to say the least.

I will report back next week with some pictures and some stories...at least the ones I can put on a family friendly blog.

Hope your weekend is void of bummers...far out...and most of all Peace! (I am holding up the peace sign to you).

Stump (well there you have it...my nickname)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Almost Ready....

Late August bears fruit at almost the peak of ripeness awaiting the Wine Harvest.

In just a few weeks...the last remaining Pinot Noirs will catch up with early bloomers and require the attention of the winemaker and his skills. Typically a time of traditions and families coming together that will bookmark the beginning of Autumn and a march towards a transformation of the landscape into fiery reds and yellows so brilliant....

The countryside will erupt in the last throws of life until next Spring.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Begginings of Restoration with a Sense of Pride

I came across this stately old house last week and had to stop for a picture.

At first I thought the house was abandoned but two aspects of the house changed my mind. I noticed the brand new bright green metal roof and the flag on the old rusted mailbox was raised...a sign of a newly written letter was awaiting pickup by the mailman.

It occurred to me that this old house must be so happy to have someone care enough after all these years to restore it to health. I'm sure she is proud of it's new roof and is anticipating the face lift it is about to receive.

Back at the computer...as I looked at the old house it almost took on a real personality when it showed up in Photoshop. I thought I would take some creative liberty and let her personality show through...the second picture is how I see the proud old lady and her new hairdo! IF you look at the 2nd picture compared to the first...you will see her with a look of surprise and wonder at her face lift.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One of the World's Largest Bird Cages....

Built in 1904 the Bird Cage was the first building of the St. Louis Zoo...built for the World's Fair in 1904.

This is one amazing place to spend time among the birds. The Thingy from yesterday was photographed here within the cage. There is an entire ecosystem within the cage and walkways to follow...some at water's edge and here among the tree tops. I suppose it is close to a football field in size.

Truly a photographer's paradise.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Thingy Revealed....

Picture this head on two pencil legs about 4 feet tall with callused knees twice the size of it's legs. A body somewhat close to a chicken and there you have it!

If ever I saw a real life feathered creature that looked like a cartoon this was it and he had the comical personality to match. Unkempt and so awkward when walking...he drew smiles from my face each time he appeared...I think if he had a name it would be Einstein.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Full Disclosure Tomorrow...

Sometimes a bit left to the imagination is a good thing!

So many of God's creatures have striking personalities...animal and human. This thingy came up to greet me several times and then in a very nonchalant manner just strolled off onto the shadows. After a few minutes...he ventured back out into the sunlight to see if I was still there. Finally he left and didn't return...I guess I wore out my welcome.

Tomorrow I will post the full picture but between now and then...try to picture what the entire thingy may look like!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Study of Hands

I don't know if the proper term for the appendages on the ends of the arms of Apes is "Hands" but to me they are hands and very interesting at that.

Two things that truly amaze me when I observe apes...their eyes and their hands. I often feel I am looking back through time at myself. The hands reflect a life ...weathered and cracked...of hard , determined work. Much like my hands with the five digits but yet so different. My hands tell of a sheltered life compared to these.

Hands can tell one so much about their owner.


Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Perfect End to a Perfect Day

I spoke yesterday of the KATY bike Trail. This is one of the bed and breakfast inns along the Trail in Augusta Missouri. The Clay House.

Over the last couple of years I have posted several pictures from inside the house but until this weekend, I didn't have any good pictures of the outside. We have stayed in the Clay house before and it is a menagerie of unique items both historical and great conversation pieces. We always looked forward to getting up the next morning and coming down to a gourmet breakfast...now many B and B's tout gourmet breakfasts but since the owner is a former chef...this is a breakfast to behold...from the honey peppered bacon to the assorted pastries and unique egg dishes.

When we have the time ...this is our favorite mode of travel. B and B's offer you the personal history of the area you are visiting...much more memorable than a hotel.


Friday, August 13, 2010

The Tavern at Defiance

Heading south out of St. Louis there is a small two lane - Highway 94. It meanders through the rolling hills and for quite a while mirrors the slow moving Missouri River.

If you stay on 94 for about 30 miles you abruptly come upon almost a 90 degree left turn. And on that curve is the Tavern at Defiance. I always thought that "Defiance" was a great name for a small town (actually a very small town).

The claim to fame for this wide spot in the road is two fold...The Tavern and the KATY trail crossing. The KATY is actually a State Park but unlike other state parks...this one is 7 feet wide and 200 miles long! It is a perfectly cared for bike trail that leads from St. Charles Missouri to Kansas City...200 mile away. It follows an old railroad bed so there are no steep grades for the entire trail. It is a perfect bike trail. I had a dream when we lived in St. Louis but never saw it through....life seemed to get in the way. I wanted to bike the entire trail with my son Zack and document the trail by photographs. The great thing about it is that it flows past various bed and breakfast inns along the way. So you can stop for the night at a local inn for sleep and refreshments. Often those refreshments are samplings of the local wines. This is the Wine Country of Missouri.

The other claim to fame for Defiance is the Tavern. It is a bikers paradise and also a great place to spend these hot Summer evenings having a few beers and listening to the local county rock bands out of St. Louis. If you are a up and coming country rock band out of St. Louis...you have put in your time and paid your dues at the Tavern. Often raucous...but less than dangerous...this is a true American Roadhouse Tavern. A suit or even anything other than jeans is way out of place here...but one thing for sure...once you visit...you will be back.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A connection I can do without

Whenever I take a picture of a living being...human or animal...I always try for that connection of the eyes. This one leaves me a bit uncomfortable.

The grizzly passed by then as he walked away he gave one last look as if to invite me back to his den. I suspect it wasn't for tea and crumpets.


Mr. Puffin

I first came across Puffins in Alaska.

These were not in the wild but at the St. Louis Zoo in a polar exhibit. 99 degrees the day we were there but in the polar exhibit it was a welcome 42 degrees. These puffins always seem look like they have just left the beauty parlor...not a hair out of place. Whenever I see the puffins...I am taken back to the waters just off Resurrection Bay off the Alaskan Peninsula....truly one of the most beautiful places I have ever been to on this earth.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010


This was taken just after takeoff from Salt Lake City - The Wasatch range.

A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of attending a business conference in Salt Lake City. Before I left, I visited Snowbird...a ski resort just out of the City in the Wasatch. It ws my first attempt at skiing....I found myself on my back more than on my skis. The hardest part of skiing in my opinion is getting back upright after you have fallen. Very enjoyable sport and I will have to try it again.

To the visitors from Salt lake....you have a very beautiful city and surroundings.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Field of Tulips

One of my favorite flowers is the Tulip.

When Tulips bloom...I know it is the beginning of Spring...my favorite season of the year. So I don't know if I like Tulips because of their beauty or because they announce the departure of Winter and arrival of the season of rebirth.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

One of my favorite subjects is the Hummingbird.

This one did not translate well in my opinion to painting with light but I thought I would post it anyway. It was my first attempt at the process and obviously I have a lot to learn about the technique but I know I am among friends so don't be too hard on me!


Saturday, August 7, 2010

On a cold and snowy evening....

The photograph was posted on the blog last year. It is one of my personal favorites so I thought I would give it a shot as a painted image.

The image translated well into a watercolor since there is not much detail in the original photograph. Just a snowy field, a winter sky and and a classic Midwest Farmhouse.


Friday, August 6, 2010

Painting with Light

Today through Monday we will be on the road. Heading back to visit St. Louis where we used to live. During these 4 days I am going to post versions of my images that I have converted to somewhat abstract versions where I have attempted to "paint" with light. Using multiple layers in Photoshop.

I don't profess to be an artist by any means. For me to paint a picture whether it be a watercolor or oil painting would be futile attempt. As a photographer however I can come "act" like an artist and give it a try. Just a 4 day departure from my normal images.

They all started with a photograph.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Multiple Layers...Multiple Lives....

In one small image...I saw multiple homes, parts of personal lives exposed.

A private party not very inviting to the general public...a sign blocking the doorway. The house next door was a boarding house of some sort...open to the public...such contrasts next door to each other. Many of the patrons may have come from the church in the background...the initial landing place of the down and out directed to the shelter next to the private party.

A strange mix of cultures.


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Tucked away for safe keeping

This picture was taken a couple of years ago...safely hidden between two large buildings on Main street in St. Charles Missouri.

When we lived here, I often passed by this small little shop never taking the time to stop in. Finally before we moved, I stopped in one day. Small though it is...inside is a world of children's books and it is Christmas year 'round. After seeing inside...the outside took on a whole new meaning for me. It is like a picture out of a child's favorite book...a fantasy land where dreams can come true. And what better morale could one offer a child....no matter how small you may be...you can always leave a wonderfully good lasting impression on the places you pass by.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A study in dark and light

The old fence was caught between the light of day and the shadows of the oncoming sunset.

When I first processed this I was going to post it as a color image but in an image such as this with not much subject matter...the version in black and white emphasizes the contrasts of light and dark much better than the color version.

A simple picture often is a great subject for a monochrome image.


Monday, August 2, 2010

Green begginning to give way to brown

I visit this house once during each season.

This is the house that was used in the filming of "League of their own". It is one mile from where I live. I have photographed it now in each season. With the turning of the calendar to August...the once vibrant greens of Summer are beginning to loose ground to the dry season. The browns are due to the lack of rain...not the turning of a season. However...the change of color is a harbinger to what we will see in the Season to come.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

No relation...not my idea but couldn't pass the opportunity

I would title this "When I grow Up".

This weekend at the fair...I watched two proud grandparents taking a picture of their grandson as he sat in the wheel of a HUGE tractor. The contrast of the small child and the ginourmous (is that a word?) machine made the machine look larger and the child seem smaller. Thank you to the proud grandparents for allowing me to take the picture. This was an opportunity I couldn't pass up.

Have a Bigger than Life Sunday and see you next week!
